Voro++ on Nuget

Voro++ on Nuget

And now there is Voro++ on Nuget. Voro++ is a library and utility, written by Chris Rycroft (with Applied Mathematics in Harvard SEAS) for compute Voronoi cells für 3D data. I use his lib actually to compute natural neighbors in my particle data sets. For me, Voro++ is better suited than other libs, like e.g. qhull, for several reasons: it is easy to use, streamlined for 3D, and natively support periodic boundary conditions. The single drawback I found, there are no official binary releases for Windows. And that is why I started this nuget package.

The library’s source code is rather clean and compiles without problem in Visual Studio. So all I did, was compiling the static library for the four latest Visual C++ versions, and I put the nuget package together. My Visual Studio solution and project files are also publicly available on bitbucket: https://bitbucket.org/sgrottel_nuget/voro

The package contains the static library, the header files, some files from the documentation, and the command line tool built with MSVC 2015. If you only want the command line tool and don’t care for the lib, simply download the nuget package, unzip it (yes, nuget packages are basically zip files), and you’ll find the exe in the tools subdirectory. For the full documentation of the library, go the Chris’ website or the original source code package.

What I didn’t include in the nuget package are any samples. But compiling them for yourself is as simple as it could be:

1. start a new C++ console application in visual studio.

Be sure to deactivate precompiled headers and to make the project empty.


2. drag-drop-add any cc-example.

Just use any file from Chris’ source code package into the project.


3. Add the voroplusplus nuget package.


4. And you’re done! Compile it and run it by a push of a button.

Have fun!

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