I like Windows 8

I like Windows 8

You can accuse me (righly) to be a Windows fanboy. Why not. I like that OS and I am realy more and more convinced of Windows 8 the more time I am using it. Like this week again:

Each software is aging. (Somehow) This is a fact. Whether this is bit-rot or if software was never ment to be used, I don’t know. But, OS’ are no exception. At the times of Windows 95 it was pretty normal to re-install your system bi-monthly. And, before the first Linux fanboy now cries: Linux is not better in that respect. We use Ubuntu at work. Just by “not using” the computer at all, hardware configuration settings change and break themself. Great. However: this is not a flame against Linux. In this aspect all systems are stupid.

Early this week I experienced a massiv drop in IO performance on my Windows 8! After klicking a file I needed to wait several seconds before the program, which was already running, noticed that something happend. I never found out who to blame. (The last thing I had installed was an Update for Java.) I even was afraid it could be signs of a coming hardware failure. However, based on my experience: It is always the software to blame.

So, I tried out the new Windows 8 feature “refresh your PC” (re-install lite). I am totaly excited. Now the computer flys again. Ok, I have to reinstall my programs and I forgot to back up the settings of two of them. However, my system is clean now. I like it.

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