Publications list via Papercite

Publications list via Papercite

I honestly believe that I should do less programming. Especially I should not write solutions for problems other people alread wrote solutions for.

Therefore, I decided to get rid of my self-written publication list code.

First I registered for Mendeley. My publications were found or entered quickly. Everything was fine. I installed the WP plugin. Sadly the publication list was not usable at all. Within a reasonable amount of time (some minutes) I was not able to activate copiable bibtex for the entries.

So I switched to BibSonomy. Their search did only find less of my publications and I needed to enter more myself (which, however, was also done very quickly). Then there was that WP plugin. pitty. After installation I could not activate it due to an critical error. …

Why was I not writing the code myself again?

The simplest solutions often are the best. I tested the Papercite plugin. Maintaining and uploading a simple bib file should be possible for me. The publication list was created easily and is (almost) what I want. Not rocket science but does what it promises. Event citing my papers in my blog posts or web sites work instantly.

I thus found a 90% solution for my problem, which is enough I suppose.

2 Comments on “Publications list via Papercite

  1. Guten Tag,

    ich habe eine kurze Frage… da ich leider keine Lösung hierzu finden kann. Gibt es eine Möglichkeit in Papercite das Format so einzustellen, dass deutsche Publikationen nicht alle klein geschrieben werden? Bzw. welche Einstellungen muss ich da tätigen oder gibt es vielleicht ein Format was papercite mittlerweile kennt? Aktuell sehen deutsche Publikationen etwas chaotisch aus.

    Würde mich über eine kurze Antwort freuen.

    Beste Grüße


    • Hallo Michael,

      ich benutze in dem Fall immer doppelte Quots in meinen Bibtex-Einträgen.

      z.B. title = {{MegaMol — A Prototyping Framework for Particle-based Visualization}}

      Die doppelten Quots oder Klammern zwingen Latex die Großkleinschreibung genau so zu übernehmen und nicht zu ändern. Das Funktioniert dann auch mit Papercite gut. Ob es eine globale Einstellmöglichkeit gibt, weiß ich nicht.

      Viele Grüße

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