I came across that Nuget because I was writing WPF UI applications and I needed a folder picker. Someone in the internet suggests to use the WinForms dialogs. I sort of hate using two frameworks. And then another one brought up the Nuget WindowsAPICodePack.Shell with it’s class representation of the Windows Common Dialogs, including the capability of picking folders in the open dialog window.

So, I started using that. Then, at some point, a friend pointed out to me, that the Nuget package I was using did not look like an official Microsoft package, but a repackage someone did. That made me stop and think. I don’t assume any bad intent, but I found it very very strange. The official package vanished. And there is a huge load of packages which strange names:

I don’t like this. Even if there is no ill intent from any of the authors, I still don’t like this, as it reeks like fraught, phishing, and vulnerabilities. Sorry, but, no.

So, where is the official package? Seems to have disappeared, that’s why there are the repackages by community members. Why did it disappear? No idea. Maybe it got caught in a semi-automatic cleanup as it was orphaned. Someone suggestion it’s replaced by Microsoft.Windows.SDK.Contracts.

In the end, I replaced the code in my projects by either using the WinForms dialog, or by writing a very small p/invoke wrapper class calling the Win32 API directly. If you are interested, have a look:


The moral of the story is, a Nuget package is only as good as the people maintaining it. And, I mean people, not organizations. Because in the end, it’s whether or not individuals want to give their best.

Git has this cursed function to fuck up your files by doing unspeakable things to your line endings.

For example, from Githubs Documentation on Line Endings:

On Windows, you simply pass true to the configuration. For example:

$ git config –global core.autocrlf true

Please, never never never never never never never never never never never never do this!


Git is here to keep track of our files, NOT TO CHANGE OUR FILES IN ANY WAY.

So, please, just, never never never never never never never never never never never never do this! Leave my file endings alone!

Today I release a new version of my Checkouts Overview tool.

Version 1.1 is a feature release, improving the scanning of your hard disks searching for repository checkouts, and adding the ability to perform a git fetch while updating the entry status.

Some minor improvements to the UI also provide a more consistent look and feel.

Grab the release from Github: Release Feature Release v1.1 – Better Disk Scanning and Git Fetch · sgrottel/checkouts-overview (github.com)

Today I present you the Checkouts Overview tool.


What? Why? Because this little tool helps me.

In my private setup, I have a lot of smaller repos checked out, and work on them only occasionally. In addition, I got several repos to collect the history of some text documents. Some of those repos are synced against servers which are only occasionally online, partially for power saving or partially due to VPN and network connectivity stuff. As a result, I often keep losing track of the sync states of all the different repos.

Is everything checked in? — most times, yes. If the change was complete.

Is everything pushed? — maybe.

Am I on branches? — no idea.

You might not need this app, if you have a better structured work process with your stuff than I do. I don’t, so I need help by a tool, by this tool.

If you are interested, you find more info in the app’s github repository.

Note: and as for the app’s icon, it’s about (repository) clones, right.

Yes, I am still using AntTweakBar. As you might know, the development of AntTweakBar is discontinued. At some point in the future, I will switch. Currently, I consider imgui the best successor. But I haven’t had time to look into imgui. So, when I resurrected an old small tool of mine, it still used ATB, and I did not want to recode all of this. But out of “because-I-can,” I decided  to update all dependencies to their newest versions. As a result the ATB integration with GLFW 3 did not work any longer. A couple of callback functions where changed between GLFW 2 and GLFW 3. I ended up rewriting my glue code between those two libraries.

Here it is, if any of you ever come across the same issue. First the callbacks:

static void keyCallback(GLFWwindow* window, int key, int scancode, int action, int mods)
  if (action == GLFW_PRESS || action == GLFW_REPEAT)
    int twMod = 0;
    bool ctrl;
    if (mods & GLFW_MOD_SHIFT) twMod |= TW_KMOD_SHIFT;
    if (ctrl = (mods & GLFW_MOD_CONTROL)) twMod |= TW_KMOD_CTRL;
    if (mods & GLFW_MOD_ALT) twMod |= TW_KMOD_ALT;

    int twKey = 0;
    switch (key)
    case GLFW_KEY_TAB: twKey = TW_KEY_TAB; break;
    //case GLFW_KEY_???: twKey = TW_KEY_CLEAR; break;
    case GLFW_KEY_ENTER: twKey = TW_KEY_RETURN; break;
    case GLFW_KEY_PAUSE: twKey = TW_KEY_PAUSE; break;
    case GLFW_KEY_ESCAPE: twKey = TW_KEY_ESCAPE; break;
    case GLFW_KEY_SPACE: twKey = TW_KEY_SPACE; break;
    case GLFW_KEY_DELETE: twKey = TW_KEY_DELETE; break;
    case GLFW_KEY_UP: twKey = TW_KEY_UP; break;
    case GLFW_KEY_DOWN: twKey = TW_KEY_DOWN; break;
    case GLFW_KEY_RIGHT: twKey = TW_KEY_RIGHT; break;
    case GLFW_KEY_LEFT: twKey = TW_KEY_LEFT; break;
    case GLFW_KEY_INSERT: twKey = TW_KEY_INSERT; break;
    case GLFW_KEY_HOME: twKey = TW_KEY_HOME; break;
    case GLFW_KEY_END: twKey = TW_KEY_END; break;
    case GLFW_KEY_PAGE_UP: twKey = TW_KEY_PAGE_UP; break;
    case GLFW_KEY_PAGE_DOWN: twKey = TW_KEY_PAGE_DOWN; break;
    case GLFW_KEY_F1: twKey = TW_KEY_F1; break;
    case GLFW_KEY_F2: twKey = TW_KEY_F2; break;
    case GLFW_KEY_F3: twKey = TW_KEY_F3; break;
    case GLFW_KEY_F4: twKey = TW_KEY_F4; break;
    case GLFW_KEY_F5: twKey = TW_KEY_F5; break;
    case GLFW_KEY_F6: twKey = TW_KEY_F6; break;
    case GLFW_KEY_F7: twKey = TW_KEY_F7; break;
    case GLFW_KEY_F8: twKey = TW_KEY_F8; break;
    case GLFW_KEY_F9: twKey = TW_KEY_F9; break;
    case GLFW_KEY_F10: twKey = TW_KEY_F10; break;
    case GLFW_KEY_F11: twKey = TW_KEY_F11; break;
    case GLFW_KEY_F12: twKey = TW_KEY_F12; break;
    case GLFW_KEY_F13: twKey = TW_KEY_F13; break;
    case GLFW_KEY_F14: twKey = TW_KEY_F14; break;
    case GLFW_KEY_F15: twKey = TW_KEY_F15; break;
    if (twKey == 0 && ctrl && key < 128)
      twKey = key;
    if (twKey != 0)
      if (::TwKeyPressed(twKey, twMod)) return;

static void charCallback(GLFWwindow* window, unsigned int key)
  if (::TwKeyPressed(key, 0)) return;

static void mousebuttonCallback(GLFWwindow* window, int button, int action, int mods)
  if (::TwEventMouseButtonGLFW(button, action)) return;

static void mousePosCallback(GLFWwindow* window, double xpos, double ypos)
  if (::TwEventMousePosGLFW((int)xpos, (int)ypos)) return;

static void mouseScrollCallback(GLFWwindow* window, double xoffset, double yoffset)
  static double pos = 0;
  pos += yoffset;
  if (::TwEventMouseWheelGLFW((int)pos)) return;

static void resizeCallback(GLFWwindow* window, int width, int height)
  ::TwWindowSize(width, height);

Of course, you can omit the #ifdefs if you don’t care. Add your own codes to the functions after ATB has been handled.

Then, it’s just your typical initialization of GLFW callbacks:

::glfwSetKeyCallback(window, keyCallback);
::glfwSetCharCallback(window, charCallback);
::glfwSetMouseButtonCallback(window, mousebuttonCallback);
::glfwSetCursorPosCallback(window, mousePosCallback);
::glfwSetScrollCallback(window, mouseScrollCallback);
::glfwSetWindowSizeCallback(window, resizeCallback);

Some while ago, two of my colleagues were putting effort into our main code base and build system, to migrate to Visual Studio 2017, and the C++17 standard. Admirable and sensible. Of course, that was reason enough for another colleague of mine and myself to joke around about downgrading our code base to C++03 or C++98 or maybe even downright to C. Don’t worry, we all four were laughing. (Or were we?)

At that time, my joke-buddy pointed me to a blog post by aras-p about Modern C++ Lamentations. Read it! It’s worth it. And don’t go, “that’s maybe in gaming industry. Doesn’t apply to my work.” Well, I am not working in gaming industry. You know what: It does apply to my work pretty much 100%.

In my opinion, “modern” C++ is too complex, too bloated, too much of a poser for “look I can do cool code”, and misses the point of solving problems.

[…] to me this feels like someone decided that “Perl is clearly too readable, but Brainfuck is too unreadable, let’s aim for somewhere in the middle”.

Many language features are valid, other as just “cool.” Now, of course, I understand, that different people will find different parts of the language good. There are some aspects, however, which are objectively bad. Look at compile times and debug times mentioned in this article. At least those make a very valid point.

C++ compilation times have been a source of pain in every non-trivial-size codebase I’ve worked on. […] Yet it feels like the C++ community at large pretends that is not an issue, with each revision of the language putting even more stuff into header files, and even more stuff into templated code that has to live in header files.

I have been a hobby programmer in school; was a part time programmer while being a student of software engineering; made my Ph.D. in computer science on computer graphics and visualization, while writing a large-scale modular, high-performance visualization software; worked as senior software developer in a company; and I am now manager of a team of software engineers. I think it is valid to say, I have been programming almost my whole life. I still try to do some minor improvements or bug fixes, even as a manager. Most likely me team is thinking I should stop messing in “their code.” I won’t. My point is:

I have been programming almost my whole life. And I did it in more than a dozen different programming languages. (While writing this I counted 15, not including scripting languages. But most likely I forgot some.) Given this experience, let me say this:

C++ is not the best programming language. In modern C++ not everything has improved.

Please! Start (again) thinking “How do I solve this problem,” and not “How do I solve this problem with variadic templates wrapped in lambdas with ranges because they are so cool.”

While I was lecturing at the university on C++ for computer graphics, clear as daylight, you can see the different types of uprising programmers. And there is this specific sub-type of “programming artists.” Programmers, who think their source code is art and above and beyond trivial programs others do. I will not comment on those any further. But I noticed, in the field where C++ is used, especially so-called modern C++, those guys are seen pretty often! Sad.

As a closing note: Nowadays, when I start a project and think about which programming language(s) to use, C++ is not on the top of the list anymore.