I am online again!

Due to me moving to a new city I was without internet for four weeks (ok, I have internet at my work, but this obviously does not count). This is a damn long time! But now, the waiting has come to an end.

Next up:

I got one bug report each for Burns 3 and Dib. I am gonna look into these the next days. For the Burns 3 bug I already wrote a workaround and I am waiting for a confirmation that this fixes the problem.

The last few weeks were packed with work. That’s why I had to distract myself and power down my brain a bit. So I tried something new and created three little fonts. Each only contains glyphs for the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 and represents them as tally marks. Since these files are simple and small, their are free for download and free for any use anyone would like:

Tally Marks Europa.ttfTally Marks Europa.ttf Tally Marks Europa
[5.69 KB; MD5: beadd7876b05cdfa98a32498fb630ea0; More Info]


Tally Marks Asia.ttfTally Marks Asia.ttf Tally Marks Asia
[5.11 KB; MD5: a952cb9ac13ff68b2ada0484bc786e0e; More Info]


Tally Marks Spain.ttfTally Marks Spain.ttf Tally Marks Spain
[5.70 KB; MD5: 6219f0201922f513cb3efe0fbd2e1958; More Info]

The TheLib Project was started 22. March.

It is the follow-up project of the VISlib, an openly available library of Totally Helpful Extensions for C++ and C# with focus on scientific visualization. TheLib is created in a cooperation betweent the Visualization Research Center of the University of Stuttgart and the Computer Graphics and Visualization lab of the University of Dresden. Source code and error tickes are hosted at SourceForge.

I am eagerly waiting how the project is going to develop.

I believe there are many people out there, which did not think this day would come. To all of those, I like to kick you in your shins, at least virtually. If I say I am doing something, then I will do it!

BurnsTOK_3_0_49_0.zipBurnsTOK_3_0_49_0.zip Mr. Burns TOK
There is a newer Version of this File available
[129 KB; MD5: 7868fdb2a0f1c26d28cb88c618bf21e3; More Info]

Therefore, here it is: Mr. Burns TOK (Version 3.0)

Completely rewritten in C# for better maintainability and future bugfixing. Simply download and run (no Setup).
All you need is the Dotnet 2 Framework, which you most probably already have on your machine.

Just wanted to let you know I am still alive!

I am burried under my PhD thesis at the moment, so I got almost no time for my little programs …

But only almost :-) In fact, there is just ONE, SINGLE function to be implemented for Mr. Burns TOK 3. Everything else is already completed, tested, and working! So stay tuned!


While I was coding for Mr. Burns 3 config-dialog window I realised that I made a silly mistake in the GUI of Dib. Sometimes, reading or writing the desktop icon information takes several seconds and the Dib GUI did not show that the program was still busy. I mean, how stupid is that.

Dib. Desktop Icon Backup
There is a newer Version of this File available
[377 KB; MD5: 82bb2c82aeaf070412c40192fbe3390e; More Info]

So I loaded the Dib project and made this little change (less than 30 minutes of work). Therefore, here it is: a mini update for Dib.

I wish you all a happy New Year.

Without any new year’s resolution lets just see what will be coming our way. ;-)

But i promise you that i will shortly finish Mr. Burns 3.

… still searching for a better name of kdd …

I updated the rules of KDD (still don’t like the Name).

The extension rules are now removed. Neighbor-Attack and Switch-Move are now allowed special moves, while Single-Pawn-Block and Second-Free-Pawn are removed. These two where to fast to block the board (boring). Apart of that, my implementation of the Neighbor-Attack in the online prototype had a bug, allowing the enemy player to counter on a not performed neighbor-attack. I liked this, so I changed the rules to make this the actual correct behavior.

KDD_Rules_2011_11.pdfKDD_Rules_2011_11.pdf Knights Double-Duel Rules (November 2011)
[383 KB; MD5: b76e1d4489614ae95cfcf716663980ca; More Info]

Of course, I also updated the Online-Prototype.